NDE Experiences


© copyright Rich Snyder and Alfred Ballabene,


R.: "After a traumatic ski injury in which I hit my head, I awoke in the hospital a week later. I wouldn't speak for a few days, and my eyes were unfocused and glassy. I would look right through people as though I was looking at the wall behind them. Returning to waking consciousness took a little while. looking at the wall behind them. Returning to waking consciousness took a little while.

I don't remember the experience of being out of body during this time, but I now realize that I experienced an inner transformation. My life took a new direction. I wanted to know the truth about our inner self, our higher being. I searched for answers in Eastern religions and esoteric philosophy and meditations. These mystical insights were very inspiring, and I sensed that they were pointing in the correct direction 'back home', where I may have briefly visited after the ski accident. This soul searching has lead to the study and attempt to practice astral projection, which has been a spiritual practice, in one form or another, in all religious practices since the dawn of man."

T.: ." In the night, after I had a car accident, I awoke and I saw several bright shining human beings standing around my bed. I knew they had come to lead me away to the other world. I had no fear. I felt myself lifted away and moved, and I registered a new but nevertheless familiar feeling, the feeling of death. Additional to that was a feeling of peace, love and security. I was full of desire for returning home, a home, which I felt, was this other world I now was to go to. Suddenly I heard a voice behind me: "Your violations are not so strong, that you must pass to the other world!" Immediately I was withdrawn into my physical body.

However I did not want to return at all, because my longing to return to my real home was too strong. Therefore I tried by will to separate myself from the physical body. I was successful, because I was sustained by my longing. I floated away, but to my regret can not remember where I went.."

K.: ." It was post-war period, a time in which gas and electric current was temporarily turned off. At that time I was seven years old. Once my mother forgot to switch off the gas stove. At night the gas supply worked again, but in the meantime everyone was sleeping deep. I had a dream, in which I sat together with my mother and my sister on the roof of a grey colored house, whose walls were lost in infinite depth. All around was darkness. First my sister fell of the roof, then my mother followed. I stayed on the roof and over and over cried loud: "I shall follow after you." This I cried not only in dream but in delirium aloud as well, so that my mother awoke, alarmed by my cries and registered the smell of gas. Well there was much action after that, and the windows were opened. I was without consciousness and my mother desperately tried to get me back to life again, shouting my name. The most remarkable thing was, and it's the reason why I am telling this, that I noticed myself floating over the road at the height of the road lighting. From there I saw my body situated at the window-sill, held by my shouting mother. I did not understand why she was shouting and crying. I felt very disturbed by this and did not understand why she did not notice me, being present so near by, here over the road. Further I noticed from this point of view how my sister arose and ran into the kitchen, in order to open the door to the neighbors, who had been alarmed by the cries. I did not understand all this excitement and looked at the stars and the street below. By this time the cries were so urgent that I suddenly feltmyself being pulled back into my body. This pleasant feeling of weightlessness vanished and everything became dark around me. I can not remember the process of awakening.."